The Need for Location-Based Personalization in Retail

  • February 3, 2020
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Are you a retail marketer who is looking to boost in-store footfalls? Have you considered using “location-based personalization” for your customers? Not ringing a bell? Location-based personalization is all about sending personalized messages to customers when they are in the vicinity of your retail store. The whole objective here is to urge or push the customer into visiting your store and making a purchase.


Enriching the customer experience is what every retail marketer strives to achieve. As per a PWC report, 86% of buyers are willing to pay more money if they get a great digital experience. Another report from Stat Counter, claims that the average desktop usage of consumers has dwindled and around 52% of all internet traffic comes from their mobile phones. This stat ascertains the fact that retail marketers need to first target consumers on devices that they always carry with them – the mobile phone.


Why Location-Based Personalization Makes a Difference


Why Location-Based Personalization Makes a Difference


If you are in the retail business, you know how customers behave when they visit your store. The behavior varies immensely from person to person. There would be people who have come to buy some specific products. There would be others who want to buy something but haven’t made up their mind. Some of them would have entered the store because of the attractive discount offers. 


You, as a retail marketer, would always want all these consumers to buy some product or the other before exiting your store. But how do you go about realizing this goal? What if these consumers know beforehand about your latest product offers? Or what if they come to know about your limited-time half-price sale for the items that they shortlisted on your website? They would definitely visit your retail store without a second thought. This is because you were able to directly address their need or buying-intent. 


Customers always appreciate such personalization from their brands. So targeting them with personalized offers, when they are on the move, makes sense and is bound to be quite fruitful in increasing sales for a retail brand. Hence, how do you enable location-based personalization? 


Read on to find out.


Lemnisk CDP: Achieving Location-based Personalization On-The-Go


Achieving Location-based Personalization On-The-Go.


For achieving location-based personalization, your martech tool should first be able to identify customers when they are near your store. Secondly, you should know what messages or offers will gauge your customers’ interests. Therefore, whatever martech tools you use should have these two features built-in. 


Detecting a customer’s location is more or less possible through a geofence tracker that could be added on to your martech tool. However, the second feature is much harder to pull-off. This is where you should decide whether you need to start building this feature in your product or look for a SaaS-based tool that has the feature as its main driver.


Lemnisk’s AI-powered CDP-led marketing automation system has the above two features as its primary features. The system is built on a Customer Data Platform (CDP). A CDP has numerous features when it comes to managing customer data but its signature feature is the ability to unify data from various sources. By unifying customer data, marketers get a single unified view of each customer which helps them understand customer needs and wants perfectly. This helps them in designing personalized campaigns that are targeted on the preferred channels and devices of customers.


For location-based personalization, retail marketers can utilize Lemnisk CDP to set up geofences around their store locations. For example, if a retail brand has its store inside a mall, a geofence can be set up around it. When a customer enters the mall, he triggers the geofence which is detected by the brand’s app on his phone. By assessing his unified view from the CDP, personalized messages/offers could be sent based on his interests and buying propensity. 


Final Thoughts

Location-based personalization is an important feature that retail brands must inculcate in their martech stack. It’s an added advantage which when properly implemented can boost in-store footfalls and purchases. Retail marketers who are effectively able to hyper-personalize every customer’s need will emerge as the winners in boosting the overall sales and revenue when compared to their competitors. 


Looking to know more about Lemnisk CDP’s offerings for your retail business? Do get in touch with us at


By Bijoy K.B | Senior Associate Marketing at Lemnisk


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